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REFIND ENGLISH利芳英语教研博客欢迎你—— 激情疯狂而不妄自菲薄,超越自我而不盲目自大, 天行健,君子与共不息,相信自己,永不言弃…… 激荡思想,洗涤心灵,居家乐园,延伸生活……


2013-06-08 19:15:51|  分类: 高考英语备考 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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今天湖北英语作文新鲜出炉,...but you should be aware of that words can hurt people.



Valuing what you have

Only when you lose can you value what you have. Not all people know how to value, taking friendship for example, what we have.

Three years ago I entered into the best school in our county and found no friends around me. Feeling depressed and frustrated, I tried every effort to make new friends. With my honest and sincerity, I made some intimate friends at last. We certainly had a lot of good old memory in the high school life. But when the last term came, especially when the entrance examination for college was around corner, I felt so pressed and lost my temper and my friends as well. As I always threw my furious on them, they left me at last, which let me so regretful.

 Valuing what you have. Before writing this down I had suffered a lot and realized the true meaning of the words. Now I know what my problem is and will treasure everything I have in the future.(164 words)






去年带高三曾经给他们准备过21个句型,其中有一个句型恰好小范围命中去年的话题:选择,只是我没有将其扩大。而事实上,在带那个班的一年半时间中(我是中途接手的),我经常性地给他们讲一个道理:人生不过是选择而已,用英文说,就是life is nothing but a choice。后来就把这个思想变成了21个句型的一个。在前几天的博文中原封不动的贴出来过,今天再次审视,发现依然很有价值。各位各位感兴趣的话,可以去查看。为了方便起见,再次贴于此地:其中若干句也可稍加更改就尅有变通用在今年高考之中(红色加黑的就是




As an old saying goes…. 名言开头或结尾最能抢分。但要切题。

What surprises me is that….主语从句好

Only than did I realize how ….倒装更抢分

You can never imagine how …否定表强调

Without…, you can(can’t) do anything but to do...隐形条件表强调某事重要性

Getting along with… is kind of thing I did not quite do well.和某人相处我不太擅长

With that quality, you can bear fruit. (有收获)有了那种品质,你才能有收获,此句适合任一个品质话题作文结尾用最好。

 You can never fulfill your ambition to achieve anything.你永远都无法实现你的理想做成你想做的事情,如果…

The strength of knowledge/ reading / science/ creativity…consists not so much in its wide … as in its wide application.知识、阅读、科技、创新的力量与其说在于。。不如说在于广泛应用

The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually is.越是…越是…

u  I want to be honest / competitive, creative…, honest / competitive/ creative…above everything else.我要诚实,更具竞争力,创新精神,因为它们最重要。(任意品质话题均可使用)

There is no alternative (choice) but to be/do..没有选择只能去…。


Whether you like it or not, you must be/do/behave….无论你喜欢还是不喜欢,你都只能去…

No matter what difficulties you are in, he should be there to help you.无论你有什么困难,他都会来帮你。(描写一个像雷锋或名人或伟人或你身边任何一个对你有影响的人)

We cannot praise him too much.我们再怎么赞扬他也不为过(同上)

Though failed, we were not disgraced, from which,on the contrary,  we can learn a lot and keep going on.尽管失败了, 但我们并不感到羞耻,相反,我们学到了许多,吸取教训后继续前行。

Glad of having her/him company, we learned a lot from he/him.真高兴能与他为伍,从他那里我们学到了很多很多。(描写人,同第14句)

Never have I experienced such agony. It is he who helps me out, and gives encouragement to go on.我从来都没有经历过如此的痛苦,是他帮我走出痛苦,给我鼓励,助我前行(同上)

There is nothing like a timely help in a wintry day.这无异于雪中送炭。

Between A and B, I would rather do两者我宁可选择

There is something in what he does. It’s…他的行为意义重大,其行为的意义就是:helping others will bring you happy and give light to others.

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