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REFIND ENGLISH利芳英语教研博客欢迎你—— 激情疯狂而不妄自菲薄,超越自我而不盲目自大, 天行健,君子与共不息,相信自己,永不言弃…… 激荡思想,洗涤心灵,居家乐园,延伸生活……


2013-06-07 17:44:13|  分类: 高考英语备考 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Doing a little bit more

Doing a little bit more should become a principle of our doing anything, with which we can always achieve what we can never imagine.

I once read a story about a young man’s interview, which inspired me a lot and keep me doing a little bit more in my life like that young man.

The story goes like this: when the young man went for an important interview in his life, sitting there for his turn, he found that there is some rubbish at the entrance of the interview room, every interviewee passed it just ignored, some even complained. It’s his turn now; he just stopped and cleaned the rubbish before going into the interview room. The following morning, announcement outside the company’s wall said the young man is the only hired by the company.

I don’t think it’s a coincident but a necessity.  It’s the young man’s doing a little bit more that help him get the job. So if possible, just do a little bit more, which is really rewarding. (172 words)


Living with gratitude

Living with gratitude is never being an empty word, without which, you will lose your way and don’t know who you are as well.

The touching story in the yearly program Touching China make me think that why our peer can do those things we can’t do such as caring their disabled mother or taking care of their helpless brothers and sisters. It occurs to me that it’s their gratitude that makes them do so after watching so many touching stories. They always know that what they should do after knowing their mother disabled, as they never took their mother’s love for granted. They bravely shouldered their own responsibilities when needed. That’s the gratitude we all should bear in mind in the new time.

So let us live with gratitude, and shoulder what we should shoulder.(136 words)


Valuing what you have

Only when you lose can you value what you have. Not all people know how to value, taking friendship for example, what we have.

Three years ago I entered into the best school in our county and found no friends around me. Feeling depressed and frustrated, I tried every effort to make new friends. With my honest and sincerity, I made some intimate friends at last. We certainly had a lot of good old memory in the high school life. But when the last term came, especially when the entrance examination for college was around corner, I felt so pressed and lost my temper and my friends as well. As I always threw my furious on them, they left me at last, which let me so regretful.

 Valuing what you have. Before writing this down I had suffered a lot and realized the true meaning of the words. Now I know what my problem is and will treasure everything I have in the future.(164 words)

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