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REFIND ENGLISH利芳英语教研博客欢迎你—— 激情疯狂而不妄自菲薄,超越自我而不盲目自大, 天行健,君子与共不息,相信自己,永不言弃…… 激荡思想,洗涤心灵,居家乐园,延伸生活……


2011-09-09 16:08:04|  分类: 高考真题研究 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |


标题为 a concert with son,






When my oldest son was in high school, he planned to attend a Christian contemporary concert with the youth group from our church. To my amazement, Aaron invited me to go along; he knew I enjoyed the music of one of the performers. I readily accepted; however, by the time the date of the concert arrived, I had questions about going. My youngest son, who has Down syndrome and progressive heart disease, had been ill, and I was concerned about him. My husband encouraged me to attend the concert, assuring me he was quite capable of taking care of our youngest. I wavered.

Finally, it hit me. Aaron was sixteen years old. How many opportunities would I have to do something fun with him before he went away to college? And how many youth actually invited their mothers to attend a concert with them that was clearly geared for teens? The decision was made. I would not miss this opportunity.

At the concert, I sat with Aaron and his girlfriend in the third row, stuffing cotton in my ears to block out the loud, ear-splitting amplified music of the first performer. I stood when the kids stood, clapped when they clapped, and never let anyone know how nervous I was to feel the floor vibrate beneath my feet. Aaron and his friends were amused at my enthusiasm.

By the time we left the concert, I was certain my hearing was damaged forever. My ears were ringing and sounds seemed muffled, but it quickly passed. So did my son’s teenage years. In no time he was in college and away from home. I missed him more than I could say. On days when I was especially lonely for his ready smile and his teasing manner, I would think back to the concert we attended and be thankful once again that I didn’t pass up an opportunity to spend time with my son.

Aaron is now grown and has a family of his own, but we are still very close. Some days he calls just to chat and tell me about his day. I drop everything and enjoy the moment, knowing these times too shall pass.

We sometimes reminisce on that concert of years ago when my teenage son and I made a lifetime memory. Aaron always laughs about the fact that his mom was the “only” person in the whole youth group to get an autograph from the performer.


第二节  完形填空 (20小题;每小题1分,满分20)< xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



When my oldest son was in high school, he planned to attend a Christian contemporary concert with the youth group from our church. To my    36   , Aaron invited me to go along.  I    37    accepted; however, by the time the date of the concert arrived, my youngest son had been ill, and I was    38   about him. My husband    39    me to attend the concert, promising he would take care of our youngest. I hesitated.

Finally, it    40    me. Aaron was sixteen years old. How many    41    would I have to do something fun with him    42    he went away to college? And how many youth actually    43     their mothers to attend a concert with them that was clearly for  teens?  The    44    was made. I would not miss this opportunity.

At the concert, I sat with Aaron in the third row, stuffing (填塞) cotton in my ears to block out the    45   , ear-splitting music of the first performer. I stood when the kids stood, clapped when they clapped, and never let anyone know how    46    I was to feel  the  floor  vibrate (震动) beneath my feet. Aaron and his friends were    47    at my enthusiasm.

By the time we left the concert, my ears were ringing, but it quickly passed.    48    did my son's teenage years.    49    he was in college and away from home. I missed him more than I could say. On days when I was especially    50    for his ready smile and his teasing manner, I would think back to the concert we attended and be thankful once again  that  I  didn't    51    an opportunity to spend time with my son.

Aaron is now grown and has a family of his own, but we are still very    52   . Some days he calls just to    53    and tell me about his day. I drop everything and    54   the moment, knowing these times too shall    55   .

36. A. amazement            B. agreement           C. argument              D. disappointment    

37. A. hardly                       B. suddenly                C. readily                    D. rapidly    

38. A. crazy                         B. merciful                 C. patient                 D. concerned   

39. A. prevented               B. encouraged          C. stopped                 D. refused   

40. A. determined             B. hit                          C. controlled             D. annoyed   

41. A. opportunities         B. years                      C. festivals               D. moments   

42. A. after                         B. since                     C. when                      D. before   

43. A. invited                      B. advised                  C. allowed                  D. promised  

44. A. invitation                 B. design                    C. demand                 D. decision  

45. A. silly                            B. pleasant                C. loud                        D. sweet    

46. A. excited                     B. nervous                C. curious                   D. surprised  

47. A. puzzled                    B. annoyed                C. amused                 D. disappointed   

48. A. Such                          B. Neither                  C. So                            D. Either   

49. A. In no time                B. In time                   C. At a time               D. At the time  

50. A. tired                          B. worried                  C. upset                      D. lonely   

51. A. have                          B. miss                        C. obtain                    D. grasp   

52. A. close                         B. open                       C. young                     D. positive   

53. A. talk                            B. speak                     C. chat                        D. communicate  

54. A. wait                          B. spend                     C. listen                     D. enjoy   

55. A. pass                          B. gain                        C. lose                     D. keep   

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